
Hotspotter allows to automagically log in to well known Hotspots - as well as generic Hotspots which support the WISPr protocol.

Grab your beta copy here. Email me for a beta license file.


  1. Copy Hotspotter into your Applications folder
  2. Launch Hotspotter - it will add an icon to your OSX Status Bar
  3. Hotspotter will open its preference pane on initial launch. You can fill in your hotspot username and password, and select the proper provider
  4. When not downloaded from the Mac App Store, Hotspotter requires to load a license file before it starts working.
  5. Now all happens automagically. If Hotspotter detects a well known hotspot (either Belgacom Fon, TelenetHotspot or TelenetHomespot) or you have enabled a generic WISPr account, it will try to login using the specified credentials for you. It will show an Authenticating message on the OSX Status Bar and once the authentication phase finished, you can start browsing.

Comments, suggestions or bug reports? Please contact me.